Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Party: Sophomore Class 2 (October 30)

Another class, another Halloween Party. This time the class is the number two section of our sophomores. Here Mr. Palace had the stick and set everything up for another fun party.

Halloween Word Search: Halloween Party

All the students were the contestants to find out who could come up with the most words from HALLOWEEN PARTY.

He got third place.

She got second place.

The big winner.

A skit that was a bit strange but it worked.

Ms. Piggy singing a Halloween song.

Bobbing For Apples

The contestant with an apple stuck in her mouth.

No water or tubs so we hung the apple on string and bobbed for them. The students supplied the apples after I mentioned about the tradition of bobbing for apples. Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun trying to grab that apple.

A group photo of the class 2 Halloween Party participants.

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