Monday, March 2, 2009

Trip To Leshan

Last Thursday I went with the Gap Guys and their sponsor to visit the third Gap Guy who is working at the Leshan Vocational And Technology College. He is in the Department of Nursing where we teaches English to some 6000 female nursing students.

Our first stop was to Dr. Robert's beautiful condo where we were treated to Chinese TIe Guan Yin Tea.

Jean presented the tea using the sniffer cups or whatever they are called where the tea is poor into thin cup and then turned over to the drinking cup. I will have to research this as we bought some of those cups several years ago and I forgot about them.

The six of us sat around visiting, drinking tea and enjoying the view from his 29th floor palace. Here Richard, the Gap Guys' sponsor and Dave sip their tea and talk about the view.

View from the condo.

Likewise Robert and Jon also enjoy the tea and the impressive view of the city of Leshan.

This is the condo we were just in. Robert's Condo is third from the top and the last to have the full view windows.

Here we have the two Gap Guys posing in the court yard overlooked by the condo. The day was a bit cool but otherwise OK.

We walked over to Robert's doctor friend who was supposed to be one of the best in all of China. His office was crowded but he took time out to be photographed with our Gap Guys, who will be retuning to England to become doctors themselves.

All us get in this photograph in the doctors busy office

Time for lunch so we drive over to the college, visit with members of the teaching staff and administration, pick up Ivan (the third Gap Guy) and we all go to a wonderful lunch.

Wonderful food Leshan Style

Dave and Jon enjoy the food and the company of one of the lovely teachers

Just keeps getting better and better

Ivan with a couple of the teachers from the college

Here is the third Gap Guy with two teachers in front of the main teaching building at the Leshan Vocational and Technology College. It will be a tough life for Ivan.

On the way back to Emei and JiaoDa we stopped to take some pictures of the river and area. Here are some colorful kites that caught my eye.

Walking back to the car, this lady stopped and asked me to take her portrait. Wow. Can you imagine that! A great portrait even if I am the one who took it. Who says the Chinese are not friendly?

And finally no trip to Leshan would be complete without a picture of the famous giant Buddha of Leshan.

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